Crowdsav – CPR Training & AED Listing

Crowdsav is a neat little app that helps users to train their CPR skills. By utilising the phone’s accelerometer and gyroscope, users will be able to gauge their depth and rate of compressions instantly. Very handy for CPR-trained people who want to periodically refresh their skills.

Additionally, Crowdsav also provides a list of AEDs nearby. This will be a critical information should anyone be a witness to a case of sudden cardiac arrest. The app boasts the most number of listed AEDs in the world.

Having been our most-loyal client since 2011, Crowdsav is constantly being under active development up to this day. We make sure the app stays relevant and up to date.

And we believe that this is an important part of having a trusted a vendor – an app is never about fire and forget. Even if your app is running fine now, there is no guarantee it will be so 2-3 years down the road. App stores like Apple and Google can change their policy anytime, resulting in stagnant apps getting removed from their list.

Other than technical issues, design is another factor that needs to be updated periodically. Nothing turns people off more than seeing an outdated app design. People DO judge the book by its cover here.

Hence as of now we are working on a total revamp to Crowdsav 2.0.


The latest version is highlighting the power of app to assist in saving lives. While we can’t go into too much details here, we know that this is something that can potentially be a game-changer in healthcare industry. Stay tuned!